RSHYR 2024 | Bow Caddy Media videos of 50-something and sub-50-footer starts
by Bow Caddy Media 8 Jan 21:10 NZDT

Second start completed (South Head), Wings takes off for Tasman Island in the 2024 Sydney Hobart race © Bow Caddy Media
Start videos from the third and fourth lines
RSHYR 2024 | Race Start – 50 Footer Band
The 50 footer band in this year’s race south enjoyed the fast running of Day 1. Seb Bohm’s TP 52 clocked up more than 24 knots of boatspeed at one point, while Michael Firmin’s Infiniti 52 Zeus made for a fine site from the air with her metallic blue hull and yellow DSS foil, the latter throwing up explosive bursts of water from time to time. Congratulations to Max Klink and team for Caro’s IRC Division 1 win, to Seb Bohm for Smuggler’s second place IRC Div 1 (not forgetting winning the Blue Water Points score overall as well) and to Annika Thomson, skipper of Ocean Crusaders J-Bird and record third time winner of the Jane Tate Memorial Trophy for first female skipper to finish.
RSHYR 2024 | Race Start – Under 50’ Fleet
BCM is very much aware of how little screen time the smaller yachts in the race get from main-stream media coverage. An important part of our coverage of the event every year is trying to ensure that we talk to and capture as many of the fleet as possible on the docks, the chopper and our camera boats at the start of the race. This year we counted over 43 of the sub 50 footers that made it into our video. Although your time on the screen may be short, you are an integral part of the event, so kudos to you all.
Thanks to our great team capturing these images – Jake, Wendi, Stu & Steve on the water, Brett Proctor & Cam Baillie (Pilot & Spotter) with Crosbie and Dale Lorimer in the chopper.